We’re Leaving… For a Year

“That’s always been my dream!”,  “Can I come with you?”, “Oh, I’m so jealous!”.

Almost everyone says one of these three things  when we tell them we’re going travelling… for a year. Not one single person has reacted with “that is a bad idea”.  Most just say it’s unbelievable.  Everyone wants to do something like this but very few actually get the chance to do it.  For reals. It has taken a while for the trip to become real for us too.  Actually, we’re still having a hard time conceptualizing the whole idea because for the last two decades we’ve been galloping just like you have.  Weekend to weekend, season to season, Summer to Christmas to Summer.  So we’re breaking the rules and slacking big time. One full year to travel, explore, slow down and most importantly, be together, all day, every day. No rush, no real itinerary and perhaps most importantly NO alarm clock!

Admittedly (and perhaps like you Miss maker of the bacon)  I’ve been distracted by the irresistible pull of social media, preoccupied with developing work ‘content’, constantly sleep deprived and ok downright crabby… for the last 20 years.  Its embarrassing and frankly a little nauseating to admit that there have been more than a few times I’ve prioritized a silly little radio show over my family.  Missed school field trips for big meetings.  Didn’t volunteer as class helper because I was interviewing the latest musical sensation and just plain skipped parent teacher meetings completely because they were passed my bedtime.  Yup…I ignored these guys.  Clearly, I was totally nuts.  I’m blaming the sleep deprivation.

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Now is the perfect time to show them how much they mean and have meant to me all these years. To make up for being a self-centred jerk who asked them to step back while I put myself first.   To see them, listen to them, BE with them and not just between naps, meetings and appointments but on their schedule.  Doing what they want, when they want to do it.  Oh, and by the way?  Anywhere they want.  My career has been on the front burner for way too long and they never once complained.  They quietly crept  around on tippy toes while I napped.  They shushed the dog and played outside in the rain so they wouldn’t wake me up mid-afternoon while many families are sharing grapes, doing homework and talking about their weird teacher.

This “year of travelling” idea is very exciting and at the same time totally scary.  What if that much time together backfires and we  end up sullen, grouchy and all over each other’s nerves?  A chance you’d be willing to take right?  Thought so.   What if we contract some weird disease  or get held up by gypsies and regret ever leaving good old safe and comfortable Canada?  Give your head a shake McGuire, you’re not going to Kabul, you’re going to Provence for crying out loud and maybe a few as yet undetermined comfy, modern European nooks and crannies.

Wait, what about the deadly career hiatus? One veteran Vancouver radio personality told me that if I was off the air and out of the market for more than a year I’d become irrelevant and would have-a-very-hard-time-ever-finding-work-in-this-town-again-trust-me-I’ve-seen-it-happen-over-and-over-again.  Guess what?  That is a very honest, accurate and completely 100%  true statement.   But sometimes you’ve gotta take a flyer.  I never even took maternity leave.  Why? because I am an total idiot and I was actually naive enough believe that it was a good idea to do a morning radio show from my basement  between loads of laundry with a 4 week old baby in my arms.   That wasn’t exhausting at all! Frankly, my husband Cam did all the late night legwork.  He really did.  So let’s take that ‘mat leave’ now.  My career may be kaput and I may very well achieve dinosaur  broadcaster status but that’s ok. I’ll take my chances on a year in flip flops.  Because these guys…are worth it!  Tara McGuire 563


If you’re wondering about our 21 year old son Holden, IMG_1289he’s a grown man (how did that happen?) living in Montreal, working and exploring his artistic side.  Sadly he won’t be joining us, I’ll miss him like crazy.  Especially when I see some innovative street art or enjoy a big cold beer in the sun, which just might be daily.

I’m going to be writing about our adventures, fails and fights, amazing meals, discoveries of travel and the heart  here at www.taramcguire.com every week so please keep in touch.   Maybe along the way I’ll figure out what to do when we get home next August??? If you’re really keen, or my Mom,  and would like to travel without the carbon footprint you can subscribe to have the blog delivered free of charge to your cute little inbox every week by signing up at the bottom right of this page.  Thanks for coming along with us.  I have no idea what the hell is going to happen.   But I can wait to find out!

Love ~ tara

  1. zack Spencer

    What a great idea, I admire your attitude and envy your year ahead with your beautiful family!!!.
    Tara, you are one of the best broadcasters I have ever listened or worked with. You will get snapped up in short order. A year away from this cruel business is just what you need.
    I’ll be following your adventure every week.
    Lots of love to you and your family.
    Zack Spencer xo

    • Tara McGuire

      Oh Zack you are so kind and thoughtful. Thank you so much for your confidence. Please give my best to Andrea and the family!

      Best to you,

      xo ~ t

  2. James Drummond

    Well seeing as how I won’t be able to meet Cam at the corner store and catch up and lord knows he won’t be drafting me any emails, I better sign up here to keep apprised of the family adventure


    • Tara McGuire

      HI JD,

      We fully expect to see you walking up the road in some small village wanting to go for coffee with Cam! Or maybe play a game of pick-up hockey…wouldn’t surprise us!

      Thanks for your support my friend,


  3. Lesley & John

    Can’t wait to hear your tales of adventure! All the best xoxo

  4. Liz

    I live across the country nor have I ever met you but the other day I saw something about this on my facebook news feed through a high school friend and couldn’t quit thinking how exciting. Best of luck on your journey and I look forward to reading all about your adventure.

  5. Jack Simmons

    Good for you!! I was able to do this when I was only 21. A very long time ago. I have had the travel bug every since. My wife Cindy have so many memories of so many wonderful places. Have fun!!

    • Tara McGuire

      HiJack and lovely Cindy,

      Great to hear from you! We will be out there trying to create some lasting family memories of our own. That travel bug is a wonderful thing isn’t it? All the best to you and your family.

      x~ t

  6. Brigitte Anderson

    So awesome Tara! You are doing what I hope to do one day. Soak up every moment. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures!

    • Tara McGuire

      Thanks Brigitte,

      We’re ready for anything…I hope. I loved working, but I think I’ll love this more…ha ha.


      x ~ t

  7. Mary Charleson

    Following your adventure with curiosity and envy. Will miss you guys in the hood and on the air, but the unknown is so full of possibilities. Enjoy!

    • Tara McGuire

      Thanks Mary. We’re excited and nervous. Leaving end of Aug so plenty of time for a chat before we go. ~ t

  8. Lynda Steele

    Well… what a smart and brave decision! Life is too short… the broadcasting business is both wonderful and soul sucking. A year away will no doubt bring peace, love, and clarity. The break may even present a new opportunity you never would have noticed or considered while parked behind your radio microphone. Good luck… safe travels!

    • Tara McGuire

      Linda thanks so very much! You are such a pro so I really appreciate your advice and knowledge. Nice to have you “on my side”. xo

  9. Laurine

    You were a wonderful start to my mornings for 7 years! These last couple of months, without your voice, have not been the same. I am excited to follow you in this journey, and look forward, with great anticipation, to that inbox notification filled with your humour, insight, and grounded purpose!

    • Tara McGuire

      Hi Laurine,

      Well aren’t you sweet! I have had so many lovely supportive comments and I have to admit it’s really great to feel like the work we did had some meaning for people. People we never even saw. Even if we made you smile just once on a hectic morning it was worth it. I really loved being part of that community. I think that’s why I’m trying to create another one here…ha ha.

      Thanks for following along, I hope you find it interesting,


  10. Tony Preite

    At the end of the day FAMILY is really all we have in this sometimes cruel life.

    This trip will hold great memories that you all will never forget!!

    What a great decision to make!! Have a safe and wonderful trip. Take care!!

    P.S. You were great in broadcasting, Iam sure you will find another gig when you return!! 😉

    • Tara McGuire

      Hi Tony,

      Thanks very much for your kind comments. I think you’re right about creating memories with our family. It’s going to be wonderful.

      My best to you and yours,


  11. joanne Griffiths

    I did the same thing. Packed up my kids and left for a year. Lived in Italy (Florence) for a whole year. We did side trips to France, England, Germany, Russia and Egypt. Every weekend we picked a different place to travel to in Italy. It was and still is the best year I have ever had and my kids will never forget it. I was scared but my motto became “feel the fear and do it anyway”. Will eagerly follow your blog to see what adventures you get up to. Bonne adventure!

    • Tara McGuire

      Thanks Joanne,

      Your trip sounds amazing. We debated staying in one spot or travelling constantly. They are both great but we’re going for more of a one month here, one month there kind of thing. Taking it slowly but creating some variety too. I don’t think you can really go wrong.

      Thanks for being in touch and for following our journey,


  12. Shawn Webster

    Hi Tara,

    What an exciting time for you and Cam…..I think this is a wonderful thing for your family to go off and experience, and my guess is you’ll come back and think “radio who?” You may find that you don’t miss it at all, and have no desire to get back into it…..or not. I think I saw the comment “soul sucking” and it can be. Whatever the future may hold, I’m sure this adventure will bring you all a lot of joy and a lot of clarity on life. Steve and I look forward to reading your updates…..

    All the best,

    • Tara McGuire

      Hi Shawn,

      Thanks for taking the time to write. Yes, it’s really exciting but as you know, the unknown can be terribly scary. It’s a good thing we’re open to just about anything. I never felt like my soul was sucked, I really loved my work and the creativity it allowed me every day. I was treated very well and have no regrets. Now I just have to find that creativity in different places so that’s what I’m attempting to do with this site. It’s strange for such a control freak to have no real plans…that’s taking some getting used to…ha ha.

      All my best to you and Steve, the boys and your very grown up daughter,

      x tara

  13. Jane Stead

    This is totally awesome Tara!!! Good for you. This year is a big turning point for a lot of us and I admire your courage to do this! I wish you all the best and will follow your blog and live vicariously through you until I am ready to take this leap! Congrats girl.

    • Tara McGuire

      Hi Jane and thanks,

      Yes, it’s a time of big transition for many of us. Your boys are grown and ready to head off to their own lives. That means you’re free too. What’s that going to be? Funny how we’re all looking at life now with different glasses on (mine are readers…ha ha).

      So kind of you to be in touch. Much love,


  14. Barbara Woodley

    I’ve always believed that adversity is a girl”s best friend.
    Oh and by the way… about the questions, “should we……shouldn’t we “? (Whatever this implies to any of us out there…..)
    I’d go head to head with the universe in the name of love, ANYDAY!

    To your great love for each other,

    The WW5

  15. Linda May Dinsmore

    Hey Tara
    Just had to write and wish you a wonderful trip. I so miss hearing your chatter in the morning and although I was a faithful listener, also believe in karma and after reading your admissions about putting work before family, think that your departure from radio is part of this journey and you will remember it forever. No one ever went to their grave wishing they had worked more. I also feel that maybe we were related in a past life or something lol as I am a fellow Scorpion, have a son the same age as yours, partake in kale smoothies, quinoa and love to travel !
    I was fortunate enough to meet you in passing a few times at various travel functions (and the Michael Buble Xmas taping) and you were always gracious.
    I actually have a wonderful business idea for you to contemplate when you return and will keep in touch over the next year.
    Your daughter will learn so much more while you are away than she ever would at school as travel broadens your mind like nothing else can and to be able to see it through her eyes will be wonderful for you and your husband.
    Kind regards, Linda

  16. Sylvie Peltier

    Hi Tara, Leaving for a year will be a fantastic experience for your and your family and I wish you a wonderful experience. However, I was a little dismayed by how much guilt you seem to have about not looking after your children enough and owing it to them to do this trip. I am sure you always did your best with them, as you are now. A lot of Moms are working very hard to combine career and family and to find their happiness. I don’t think that it is selfish to do that. You are now looking for another way to do that (by putting your career aside for a year, and maybe longer by your own admission). But as a radio personality and a role model to other women and your daughter, I would encourage you to be careful not to fall into the trap of the perfect mother. There is no such thing as a perfect mother. But there can be happy kids and happy parents. Bon voyage, Sylvie

    • Tara McGuire

      Thanks Sylvie,

      Maybe it’s the lapsed catholic in me. Or a dose of retrospect? Regardless, here we are looking at many days together and that feels really good. Happy everyone!

      Thanks for getting in touch and for following.


  17. Elma

    I so applaud you! We chatted a few times at the kitchen counter on the 6th floor before your departure. We noted friends in common and I looked forward to getting to know you in the coming months. Alas, fate played its hand and the opportunity to chat in the kitchen was gone. I have so much respect for your decision and wish you and your lovely family the very best on your amazing journey. Safe travels. I look forward to the posts . . .

    • Tara McGuire

      Thank you Elma, I always enjoyed our chats too!

      You never know when you might be set free.



  18. Darrell Mussatto

    All the best on your amazing journey Cam and Tara! Bring back lots of great ideas and a big list of things we need to have in our (your) city! And remember there is no place like home!!

  19. Pat Hamilton

    Hi Tara,
    It was an upbeat and positive beginning to each morning hearing you on the radio. I listened to you every day and was so disappointed when that came to an end. But bigger and better adventures are coming your way. You are an excellent broadcaster with such a gracious and endearing outlook on life.
    I am so delighted to hear you are taking a well-deserved break with your family, and I know the three of you will enjoy every minute of your adventures. I will look forward each week to your blog. Thank you. Pat Hamilton

  20. Fran Davis

    Just found out what you are doing Hats off ! Amazing
    We just came back from 1-1/2 years in Mumbai
    Long time since we did the Richmond Inn
    Woman’s golf tournament !!

    • Tara McGuire

      Wow Fran, that sounds amazing. Yes, time rockets on.

      Best to you,


  21. Victoria Low

    Tara, you don’t know me but I missed you on 103.5 so much. I kept saying every morning in the car – I have to find out where she has gone. Yes, and with everything going on I finally got to it. Don’t really enjoy the morning show without you. Now I know. Good for you – what a great experience to have. Wish I had done this at one time. Who knows, maybe in retirement. Enjoy

  22. Nancy

    I just came across this – I was wondering if you were on another station as the replacement act drives me crazy – they’ve dumbed- down the morning show. This sounds like so much more fun than working – wish I was there!

  23. Jeannie Moss

    Congratulations on this brave decision you ‘ve made. You never know it at the time when adversity strikes but so often when that door closes another more wonderful one opens that even in your craziest dreams you couldn’t imagine. You just have to be open to the possibility, and clearly you and your family are. What a great lesson to teach.
    The very best to you and your family. Hope your son gets to meet up with you at some point. I loved your radio show for years, both with Terry and Mike. Even won once on Beat the Bank and did an interview with you and Mike before the 2012 Olympics in London as my son was a javelin thrower in those Olympics.
    Looking forward to hearing all about your lives over this next few months.
    Jeannie Moss

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