Category: Books

BOOK SHELF: Our Interrupted Fairytale – Megan Williams

Vancouver’s Megan Williams never set out to write a book.  She was only trying to fully live her young athletic life and love the man who she could never quite shake from her heart.   Though…

BOOK SHELF: Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

This one was a completely pleasant accident. My Mom forgot Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple at our place over Christmas so naturally I stole it and told her she couldn’t have it back…

BOOK SHELF: The Winter Palace (a novel of Catherine the Great) – by Eva Stachniak

  Before there was Facebook and Twitter and TMZ there were “tongues”.  These servants to the most royal courtiers in the world kept their ears and eyes open and their mouths shut.  Or did they? …